
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting closer!

Today was our 39 week appointment.  I am 2 cm dilated so we are making some progress.  I had gained one pound since last week (probably due to my daily dose of BlueBell...ha).  They did one last ultrasound just to check my fluid levels, which were fine.  They also hooked me up to the fetal monitor to make sure Austin's heart rate and activity was normal.  The nurse said "he is a happy baby".  I hope that means he will be a happy infant!  His heart rate would go up when I felt him move and then stay pretty steady when he was resting.  I had a couple of minor contractions while connected to the machine and we could see the numbers go up.  We discussed induction with Dr Corbett and we decided that, if he doesn't make his grand entrance before next Wednesday, I will be induced then.  So we have a 9pm check in at the hospital on Tuesday night.  If I do end up being induced, they will start the process on Tuesday night and I will be given pitocin on Wednesday morning so that I have the major contractions during the day.  Dr Corbett is only at Swedish hospital where I am delivering on Wednesdays and Fridays, which is why we chose Wednesday.  So, at the latest, we will have a son one week from today!  Wow, crazy!  I hope and pray that he decides to come sometime before Tuesday night so that I don't have to be induced, but most of all I pray that he is healthy and that the labor process goes smoothly.  Either way, he will be here so soon.  I am ready to meet you, Austin.

39 weeks 2 days


  1. I'm ready to meet you too!!! :) How exciting! One week at the most!! Woo hoo!!!

  2. I am Sooooooooooo excited to be an aunt. You are going to do such a great job Amy! Love yall!

  3. Congrats Amy! I found your blog from Sara's. I can't wait to see pictures of your new, sweet baby!

  4. Thinking and praying for you this week! Can't wait for little Austin to make his grand entrance! You will do great.
