
Saturday, August 13, 2011

First Bath and First Dr Appt

Last night before bed, David and I gave Austin his first bath.  He was NOT a fan of that!  His tub has a hammock that can be used for a sponge bath, which he will have until his umbilical cord falls off.  We tried to be really fast in order to limit the trauma.  Here are some pictures of the clean little guy.

Austin's first visit to the pediatrician was this morning.  The good news is that he has gained 2 ounces since we left the hospital on Thursday.  He weighs 7lbs 8 oz as of today.  The doctor checked all of the usual things: lungs, heart, reflexes, eyes, ears, etc.  He said "he's perfect".  I am thankful that he is healthy and eating well.  We go back to the doctor when he is 2 weeks.  Between now and then and while I am on maternity leave, I plan to go to the hospital for the weekly weigh-ins.  That way I can be assured his gaining weight and eating well.  Besides the doctor, we have not left the house yet.  Hopefully we can go on a stroll sometime in the next week or so when I am feeling up to walking.  We have been doing a lot of resting during the day lately, considering I probably slept 1 hour last night.  I was able to take a 2 hour nap this afternoon.  My mom continues to help, help, help.  She made me lunch and watched Austin while I napped.  David resumed normalcy by going out to the golf course for 2 hours.  He is playing golf tomorrow morning...lucky him!  My mom and Stacy went out to dinner but my mom will be back tonight to sleep here.  She even said she would take a shift tonight so I can have at least 2 consecutive hours of sleep.  Thanks mom!

Savannah loves Austin

1 comment:

  1. Three cheers for DiDi and her help! I love all the pictures! :) Is Austin sleeping in longer chunks during the day when you could take a longer nap? It's interesting the advice different drs/nurses give... ours nurses told us to wake him up every three hours if he wasn't awake already, and then after I was totally exhausted at the 2 week appt, the dr said to let him learn to sleep as long as he can at night and that he'd make up for the milk he missed by eating more meals closer together during the day.
