
Sunday, August 14, 2011

A View from the Other Side - David

W----O-----W, I told Amy I would make a post and thats really all that I can come up with to describe the last 5 days. It started so simple, Amy was cranky and had a bump in our stomach. I was fine with that and life wasnt too much different.

On Tuesday at 2:22 AM with a wife that was a champion with 40 minutes of pushing, out came a little man with a striking resemblance of his father. With a smirk and my heart pounding my life flipped upside down in the best possible way. The only way I can explain the birthing process is that of driving by a car wreck and cant help but look. Sorry Amy but hopefully I only have to see that one or two more times.

The days in the hospital were great but boring and I was honestly ready to get home. When we finally walked in the door on Thursday morning and I set the car seat down with Austin sleeping it was sense of OH S*&$. We were truly on our own and couldn't press the "ring nurse" button where we could ask any questions about a sound Austin made or a small blemish which we thought would scar him forever. Luckily we have a veteran around in Amy's mom to calm us down when I think that our baby is having a stroke. These little guys are tough. Within twenty minutes of being home I was holding Austin and hear this thunder down under and as much as I tried to avoid changing diapers this was occurring within the first hour. Oh crap... literally

My precious pup is depressed. The queen of the house is officially taking a back seat and she couldnt be more devastated. People need to understand that Savannah was our child and now there is slight sense that she knows this little guy that is getting all this attention is going to be sticking around. She wants to know everything about Austin and is going to sniff and lick her way to understanding him. Austin makes a noise and savannah is eager to run over and see what the fuss is about. My pup might be sad and lacking attention but she is part of our family in a way that most wont ever be able to comprehend.  Savannah you might not be the center of attention but you are still someone we love.

Five days in and life couldnt be better. Amy is still feeling the effects but getting better day by day and hoping she will be able to get out for a walk early this week. Sleep is really my only concern because if I lack sleep I get grumpy and dont function at my usual 1000% self. First two nights, Austin got an F with only letting us sleep for about an hour. Night 3 (last night) at home he was a champion and I honestly didnt wake up except to check on Amy (which I did from bed) in one of his feedings. Lets try to repeat last night little buddy.

I am so proud of Amy for becoming the mother I knew she would be with Austin. Ever since we got married there was subtle prodding about having a child. I know why now because this is part of who she is and she will be an amazing mother. I would be in tears if I had to go through what she has the past 5 days but she is DOMINATING this for the most part. Good job babe.

Each day that passes Austin is growing up. I can see him becoming more alert as the days pass and am already looking forward to that catch we will play from the day he can throw until I'm an old man. Cant wait to teach him about life and coaching him through the easy and tough times in life. Cant wait to catch our first ball game together. Cant wait to see him hit his first drive straight and look up with a big grin. Cant wait to help him with his homework. Cant wait to watch you you grow up little buddy, but dont do it to too fast because I want to enjoy every second.


Couple Notes: Sorry about the grammar, its late and almost time for bed. A pic from today with a little lounging from my two children and yes I am the least photogentic person in the world.


  1. haha great blog, David! We definitely missed the "ring nurse" button too! Glad y'all got a bit more sleep. Hope last night went well too. A "good night of sleep" changes meaning after a baby, doesn't it? ;)

  2. David,

    I love this. Keep that attitude. Honest and sweet. You guys are great parents already. Kiss that little man, I will see him soon!

