
Wednesday, September 7, 2011


We have been doing alot of this in the evenings...

The combination of the hammock swaying, the running water of the pond fountain in our backyard, and the cooler fall weather have made this activity quite the hit for Austin.  He is a little fussier in the evenings (when Dad is home), so lounging in the hammock is one way to comfort him.

I guess I haven't written about Austin's first labor day weekend.  It was not very eventful unless you count his umbilical cord falling off as an "event".  We did have some visitors on Sunday - our friends Ryan and Veronica came over to meet Austin and go to lunch with us.  It was fun to see them and get out for a bit.

David played golf on Saturday morning and I went to the gym on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  I can do the elliptical-like machine (one that is more of a running motion than the typical elliptical) for about 40 minutes.  I tried running 1 mile on Sunday and it went fine, but I don't think I am quite there yet.  Maybe next weekend I will be ready to try again.  I am itching to get back to it.  As mentioned in my previous post, we watched the Texas game on the computer on Saturday night.  On Sunday afternoon, our neighbors had a block party BBQ.  We went to that from 4-8, and I had Austin in the Baby Bjorn the whole time (mainly because I didn't want a bunch of people touching him or asking to hold him, and it was easy since he doesn't weigh that much yet).  Since he was in the Bjorn for so long (which most of it was spent sleeping), he did not want to go to sleep that night.  What finally helped him go to sleep was me laying down on the daybed in his room with him close next to me and the pacifier in his mouth.  Our doctor (and many of the baby books) says you can't spoil them at this age since they are still developing in this "fourth trimester".  Hopefully this does not become a habit that he expects every night to help him fall asleep.

Austin has random "good nights" of sleep.  On Monday night he slept from 9:45-3:30am, which was awesome because I got 5.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep!  Last night it was back to the 3 hour stretches at a time.  Hopefully tonight will be another good one.  We try to keep him awake as much as possible between the dinner time feeding (6 or 7) and the bedtime feeding (9 or 10) so that he will be tired and sleep well, but that doesn't always work.

Today we went to baby weigh in at the hospital.  He now weighs 9 lbs 4 oz...big growing boy!  Although he is growing, the 3-month jeans are still HUGE on him. (just testing them out here)

What are these clown pants on me?

 Just dancing on my changing table

Stretch those arms!

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