
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

34 week appointment

Today we had our 34-week appointment.  They did an ultrasound to measure my fluid levels and they had increased!  That is good news, and I don't even have to go again next week.  My next appointment will be at 36 weeks and then every week after that until the end.  I can't believe Austin will be here in less than 6 weeks...crazy!  I had not gained any weight since my appointment 2 weeks ago, but my doctor said that was okay because Austin is still growing.  His heart rate was right on target.  The ultrasound tech took a 4-D shot of him even though his head is so low and somewhat hidden behind my pelvic bone.  His position made it hard to get a good picture.  It is not the most flattering photo.  His face looks like it is smashed up against a window.  He has his hand up next to his cheek.  We joked that his nose looks like my sister's nose (the Hendrix nose) because it looks like it is on the wider side (don't take offense, Lauren).  I can't wait to meet the little guy!

 34 weeks 2 days

1 comment:

  1. The first thing I thought when I saw that picture was "He looks just like a mix of Amy and David" and the second thing I thought was "He has Lauren's nose!" (We love you and your nose Laurena!)
