
Friday, August 10, 2012

Visit with P&G

Last weekend was a little cooler (high of about 80 on Saturday!).  It was so nice!  (why are we moving to Houston?)  We sat outside Saturday afternoon and enjoyed the weather while waiting to go eat dinner with Pop and G (my dad and Michelle).  Austin loves being outside and I hope to do this almost every day when I am not working the few weeks before we move to Houston.  On Saturday morning, my dad and Michelle stayed with Austin while I went on a long run (in prep for my half marathon tomorrow).  David played in the Club Championship golf tournament last weekend, finishing 3rd.  After my run we made a trip to the Cherry Creek Farmers Market to look around and buy some strawberries and peaches.  They have had organic strawberries all summer - 3 containers for $5, which is a deal!  And Austin even likes strawberries.  After that, we headed to a place called The Local Wash Park for lunch and David joined us after golf.  That afternoon Austin napped and my dad and Michelle went to the house they own where Michelle's son Stephen lives to do some yard work.  We met up with them later for dinner at Hansons near our house.  On Sunday morning, David played golf again and my dad, Michelle, Austin and I went on a short hike at Mt Falcon park (checking another thing off the Denver bucket list).  Austin rode in his backpack on my back.  He even dozed off in it.  Unfortunately I did not take any pictures on the hike.  We headed to eat in Kittridge at Country Road Cafe.  They have yummy breakfast!  Back at home Austin got to open his first 1st Birthday gifts from P&G.  He got two Longhorn shirts to wear this football season, his first baseball and baseball glove, a stuffed Longhorn football that plays the Eyes of Texas when dropped and some books.      

Yesterday was Austin's REAL 1st birthday....I will post more on that soon!  I can't believe it has been a whole year. 

Handsome boy!


So happy!

Loves to clap toys together (but can't seem to clap w/o toys)

With Pop at dinner

Chilling with G

First Birthday gifts!  Thank you!
Saying Bye-Bye!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he is ONE! Happy Birthday, sweet boy! We can't wait to see you!!
