
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring break

Since Austin goes to a school that is part the public school system, he had spring break. The grandmothers stepped up to help out. Mimi took care if Austin on Monday and DiDi kept on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday he got to go the Houston rodeo livestock show petting zoo. Aunt ricki, great aunt Carrie, and cousins Lisa and Mary from Austin went to the rodeo too. They sent me a few pictures from the outing. Apparently Austin did not like the real pony ride.

Great grandmother BB also came in town with Lisa and Mary. Carrie had us over for dinner on wednesday. Austin quickly learned to say BB and repeatedly said Bee-bee and would run up to her and reach for her hand to walk with him. So cute!

On Thursday we headed to Austin with daddy and DiDi. We stopped at Amanda's to see baby Paige who is now 1 month old. She is so little and precious. It is crazy that Austin was never that little. Austin was not too happy when I held her- he was jealous of the "bay-bee".

We drove out to horseshoe bay at lake LBJ after that. This was Austin's third time at the lake but his first time while walking. They got a new fence around the pool and steps down to the lake so that we can feel more comfortable playing with him on the porch. We didn't go on the boat this time because the water is not quite warm enough and the pool was too cold but next time we definitely will. We went on lots of walks and did a lot of looking at boats, airplanes, ducks, flags, and of course trucks. They are building a new house next door so the construction equipment served as entertainment for our boy. We even went to coopers BBQ in llano on Saturday night. Austin ate none of the meat. He wouldn't even try it- oh well he proceeded to eat lots of veggies that i brought. We had a visit from Tom and Carolyn Spurgeon and Austin liked sitting in Tim's lap and playing with his shapes. Austin loved taking walks with grandad. He even learned how to throw rocks- hopefully this is a safe activity. :) On the way back we stopped to see Meredith and Matt and baby Caroline. She was born in December and I hadn't seen her yet. We were at a restaurant and I didn't even get a picture. It was a fun week - tomorrow is back to reality.

Austin learns about goats from cousin Lisa

Petting (or stomping on) the goat with Aunt Ricki

Fascinated by the little yellow chicks

Not sure what these are...maybe guinea pigs?

Taking a walk with BB and cousin Mary

Swinging with BB and Mary - Austin loves his BEE-BEE.  Ha, it was so cute how he pronounced her name.

Story and song time with BB

DiDi and baby Paige

Curious about this "Bay-Bee", Paige.  

I snuck one picture while Austin was distracted

Just a boy watching for boats

Porch reading with DiDi

Catching some rays while enjoying some yogurt.  Too bad he has mommy's fair skin.    He is going to know hats, sunscreen and t-shirts well. 

HI boats!

BYE boats

Playing with Mr. Tom.  He asked to sit in his lap right after he met him. 

Snacking on some popcorn with Grandad

Watching for trucks while in line at Coopers' BBQ

Sweetie pie

Spotting the faint moon.  He finds it even when it is a sliver in a light sky.

Hanging with Daddy

Mommy's boy.  


  1. Love the pics of your grandmother BB and Austin!

  2. I like the last pic the best. :) I can feel the happiness and love. Austin is growing up and looking adorable! What a fun trip! Can't wait to see y'all soon! :) -Rachel

  3. It's almost been a month since your last post! I keep checking for updates. What're y'all up to these days? We had snow day here yesterday, but I bet you're not busy shoveling the sidewalks in texas! ;) -rachel
