
Monday, October 26, 2015

Campbell at 18 months

Campbell turned 18 months on October 7th. We visited Dr. Pielop on the 14th and Campbell weighed in 21 lbs 9 oz, which is 15th percentile.  He was 33 3/4 inches, which is 88th percentile.  His head grew to 18 3/4 inches which is 86th percentile.  

At 18 months, Campbell is running everywhere, climbing everything, and always on the lookout for mischief.  It's like he walks into a room and looks for something to open, tear, climb, hide in, put in his mouth, etc, etc.  He copy anything Austin does, which is not usually a good idea.  At the same time, he gets very mad at Austin for constantly trying to tackle him and knock him down.  I don't blame him at all.  He has bitten and pinched Austin multiple times for continuing to do this after repetitive screaming bouts.  He is learning to stand up for himself. 

His favorite foods are waffles, sausage, pizza, hot dogs, turkey meatballs with pasta and red sauce,  pears, apples, sweet potatoes, animal crackers, graham crackers, and of course, ice cream.  He has learned to share Austin's unhealthy obsession with ice cream and anytime the word is said, Campbell immediately screams "I- SEEM".  Other new words he says are uh-oh, apple, "oh-oh" for what a monkey says, "e-ouw" for what a cat says, "ouch", "wad-e" for water, "affel" for waffle, doggie, "bodin" for pumpkin, "seep seep", for sweep and when he sees a broom, and "Jees" for Jesus.  He still doesn't say Yes or No, which is crazy.  I thought toddlers usually say "NO" very early.  Campbell nods his head for both yes and no.  I am sure he will say them, especially No, soon.   He is very good at expressing what he wants and insisting on things.  When I tell him no, or not now, he will arch his back and throw his head back with a fake whine/yell.  Sometimes it turns into a real tantrum and he lays on the floor screaming.  Terrible 2's here we come....

He is wearing all size 18 month clothes.  Some of the pants and shorts are still a little loose around the waist but he is tall so needs the length.  He is still in size 3 diapers. He sleeps with his bunny and elephant lovies at night and I still put him in a sleep sack hoping that it may prevent him from trying to climb out of his crib.  He still cries some when in our church nursery, at Mothers' Day Out, or when he stays in the babysitting room at Austin's school when I am volunteering.  He just doesn't like to be away from special!  He loves singing - I can begin to make out "ABC's" and "Happy Birthday".  He likes Itsy Bitsy Spider, 5 Little Monkeys, Wheels on the Bus, and Jesus Loves Me.  He is growing up too fast - wanting to do all the preschool things already - color with crayons, lay on Austin's twin bed (yes, he can climb on it by himself), play the iPad, do puzzles, eat ice cream, brush his own teeth, and sit in Austin's car seat (he can climb in the car by himself and goes straight to Austin's seat).  He had his first haircut on 10/5.  He didn't cry and wasn't nervous at all.  I think he has watched Austin get one so many times and was ready for his own!  

Campbell - you are hilarious and always on the move.  You keep us on our toes.  Your smile lights up a room.  We love you little guy!

Checking out the fire trick at BGP Fall Family night


Enjoying a view of Austin's soccer game on Uncle Stephen's shoulders

Covered in blue soggy cupcake icing at Meredith's 5th birthday

Swinging smiles

Just before the haircut...I think he was ready!

The curls are gone now....tear

Feeding the Lakeside ducks some crackers.  He is a little too fearless of them. ...

Quack Quack

First Haircut. driving the car

Chopping off the curls

So handsome

All grown up

looking good!

So serious

Riding a dog at a new indoor trampoline! 

Ha! Batting helmet might be a little too big!