
Sunday, April 12, 2015


We celebrated Easter in Houston last weekend.  Austin warmed up to the Easter bunny this year but still wouldn't take a picture with the bunny.  We went to Lakeside for the breakfast with the Easter bunny and egg hunt on Saturday morning.  Austin was dying to break through the flagged off eggs before they blew the whistle but then when they blew the whistle and all the kids ran for the eggs, he got scared.  Silly boy!  He thought there would be candy in the eggs but much to his disappointment, there were stickers and other prizes.  Not to worry, there were donuts on the breakfast buffet.  We ate breakfast while the bunny visited our table, but the pictures below are the best I could get.  Campbell wasn't scared but maybe just a little confused.  Austin of course wanted to ride on the golf cart and play golf soon after polishing off 2 donuts, some eggs, and some of DiDi's bacon.  Campbell just took it all in.  This baby boy loves the action!  Annabelle and Allison came too. Grandad drove Annabelle in a golf cart and David took Austin.  We had a great time even though it was a chilly, breezy morning for April in Houston.  Later that afternoon we celebrated Campbell's first birthday (more on that in a separate post).  The next morning, the boys found the baskets and gifts the Easter bunny brought and Austin's searched the house for every egg that the bunny hid.  These eggs had 2 starburst jelly beans in each egg. Talk about stingy!  Haha.  The bunny brought Campbell his very own Thomas the train and Austin an Astros baseball hat and some Hot Wheels cars.  We went to church and celebrated the reason that we live - because Christ came to earth, died, and was resurrected, all for us!  I pray that my boys will learn this and believe this with their whole hearts as they grow up.  After church, we came home for nap and continued the Easter celebration at MiMi's and Big Deal's house that afternoon.  The cousins hunted for eggs in the front yard.  Man, MiMi's Easter bunny is very generous bringing M&M's and other chocolate candy, and also money to the tune of $135, split between the cousins.  We ate dinner, played and opened baskets too.  Austin sure loves playing with Ben, and Summer too.  He just follows Ben around like a shadow.  Hopefully he doesn't mind :)

Family photo

Waiting to start the egg hunt

Bunny visiting our table

Campbell gets a wave

DiDi and Grandad.  Campbell and Grandad have matching hair 

Riding high on Daddy's shoulders

Attempting a picture.  Ha!

Trying again

Checking out what the bunny brought

Thomas and candy.

Where are your eyes Austin?

Not so sure...

Trying again for a picture before church

Take 2....Big brother is hilarious!

Take 3

Baby found an egg.....yum!

His loot at MiMi's

Sweet big cousins

All 4 blonde kiddos

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