
Friday, April 24, 2015

Campbell is One!

Campbell turned one year old on April 7th.  That year flew by!  It seems like just yesterday we were headed to the hospital down the road and leaving Austin with my mom to wait for baby brother to arrive.  At 1, Campbell weighs 18 lbs 7.5 oz, which is 9th percentile in weight.  He is 31 inches tall, which is 87th percentile. His head is 18 inches around, which is 38th percentile.  He is tall and thin!  Looking back, I couldn't find how much Austin weighed at 1 year, but he weighed 23 lbs 4 oz at 15 months, which was 58th percentile and 18 lbs 15 oz at 9 months, which was 25th percentile.  Campbell is just a much smaller guy, but tall.  He is still comfortable in size 3 diapers.  He has become attached to his two lovies- light blue "Angel Dear", one bunny and one elephant.  At one, Campbell has 8 teeth, 4 bottom and 4 top.  He started taking steps right around his birthday and is officially walking as I write this on April 24th (started walking about 1 week ago).  His favorite way to walk is with a plastic golf club and ball in hand, as if he is golfing.  He is copying his big brother's every move (not usually a good thing...uh oh).  He is sleeping 7pm-6:30am.  Right around his first birthday, I transitioned him to 1 nap.  He usually gets tired around 11am, but I try to make him wait until noon to go to sleep.  He sleeps about 2-3 hours.  He still sleeps in a sleep sack because the medium sized that we have still fit him and because I think he would possibly try to climb out of his crib if he weren't in a sack.  

He is eating 3 solid meals a day with 1-2 snacks.  At one, we have moved to nursing at morning and night and will stop whenever he is ready.  His favorite foods are pears, apples, oranges, green beans, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, chicken, grilled cheese, turkey sausage links, carrots, pasta with red sauce or white sauce.  Of course he likes snacks like veggie sticks and yogurt (Sometimes).  I cannot get him to eat avocado or plain cheese (cubes or sticks).  Some days he will eat scrambled eggs and some days he won't.  He needs these fatty foods to gain some meat on his bones!!!  He knows how to say "all done" by waving his hands in the air and shaking his head.  He tried whole cows milk and is fine with it and will drink it plain.  He is completely off the bottle and only uses a sippy cup.  

He is usually more interested in what is going on around him than in eating.  He loves playing with his brothers golf clubs and loves being outside.  Every time her hears the door chimes, he tries to walk or crawl to the door.  When outside, he likes the cozy coupe car, golf clubs, the trampoline, the various balls we have accumulated, and also bubbles.  He gets his fair share of stroller rides and usually gets bored after 40 minutes so I always have a snack handy - after all, we know the kid could use some more pounds.  He knows our neighbor Nolan, who is four months older.  They come over to play every so often.  Campbell loves Thomas the Train and starts bobbing his head, as if dancing, whenever he sees a Thomas toy, Thomas on a book, cup, plate, toothpaste container, etc.  He also loves Itsy Bitsy spider song, If You are Happy and You Know It, Wheels on the Bus, and of course, Florida Georgia Line's "Cruise" because Austin is still obsessed with that song so obviously Campbell knows it too.  We have greatly reduced how often we listen to it - only when I take them in the double stroller on a walk, Austin is allowed to listen to it and Campbell bobs his head with a big smile.  Campbell loves to wave and clap his hands.  He gives high fives and kisses on the check upon request.  He says "da" for dog, but that is the only word I have identified so far.  We are working on "MaMa" every day.  I do think we have an extrovert, socialite on our hands.  For example, I took Campbell to the library for baby story time this week.  He was the only baby who would not sit still in their mother's lap.  He wanted to be walking around checking out everything.  During he parachute time, everyone was sitting in laps, but Campbell was walking under the parachute, out in the center, trying to reach the top as it flowed above his head.  Not shy at all!  He is also sooooo tough - he gets bumps and bruises all the time without tears and Austin steals his toy, grabs his arms and legs, pushes him down, and usually it doesn't phase him or he screams at the top of his lungs only because he isn't big enough yet to steal the golf club back from Austin or push him back.  Oh just wait.......

I am sure there is much more I am forgetting but hopefully this sums up our crazy second little boy.  We love you Campbell and can't wait to see what God has for you as you grow bigger each day.  Your smile lights up the room, especially the smile you get when your big brother says "hey little buddy".  

1 comment:

  1. Look at that smile from Campbell . . . so contagious!
