
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Austin at 18 months

A year and a half!  Where has time gone?  It is hard to remember life without our now TODDLER!  Austin is all over the place.  He walks around the house like he owns it, sometimes yelling at the top of his lungs.  Maybe I need to start teaching "inside voice"?  We went to see Dr. Pielop yesterday for his 18-month checkup.  Austin weighs 26 lbs 6 oz, which is the 79th percentile.  He is 34 1/2 inches tall, which is 96th percentile.  His head is in the 95th percentile.  He is a BIG BOY!  Dad is hoping for a future athlete, of course.  This boy loves to eat.  His favorite foods are spaghetti, scrambled eggs, raspberries and strawberries, mommy's homemade spinach and banana pancakes (sneaking in some green veggies), turkey hot dogs, goldfish crackers, butternut squash, and avocado.  He doesn't like meat that much and loves fruit, mainly berries.  We are sticking with milk and water; there is no need to introduce juice.  He still hasn't figured out that there are very yummy things out there like cookies and ice cream.  We are taking our time with that.  

Austin just started to really trying to repeat words.  Just this week he has said apple, eyes, eggs, and Austin.  "Ma" means more.  He also intentionally signed "more" this week.  He also says "A-ba" (Amen) at bedtime.  This is so precious.  His absolute favorite is still "Truck".  The whole way home from his school to our house he says "truck, truck, truck".  We went to eat at Jason's Deli after church last Sunday.  It overlooks the lovely I-10.  Austin's high chair faced the window and he pointed at every 18-wheeler and said "truck".  There are LOTS of 18-wheelers on I-10 so this occurred during the entire meal.  During dinner tonight, he pointed to our Christmas card that is hanging on the fridge and said "Aus-an".  So cute!  

Austin is starting to throw tantrums and get upset when he doesn't get what he wants.  We have a strong-willed boy on our hands.  Today when we got home, I asked him to follow me back to my room so that I could change clothes before proceeding to fix dinner (which is a messy occasion).  He did not want to go back to my room; he wanted to stay and play at his kitchen.  I know, I am a mean mom but all I wanted to do was change out of my work clothes that I had been in since 6am.  I carried him back to my room while he got very mad and proceeded to scream short, loud "AH!", over and over, and over.  He clinched his fists and turned red in the face while screaming.  Boy, was he mad at me.  Then I shut the door to lock him in our room while I changed.  He banged on the door to get out.  I pretty much ignored him.  I think we need to start a time-out system.  

Austin, besides the beginnings of the "terrible twos", you are so fun and such a cutie.  You think it is hilarious when it is bathtime and I start filling the tub.  You sneak back to your room and try to get your lovey, Bear, out of the crib.  It is as if you are hiding from the bathtub and me.  You laugh and laugh.  You love throwing yourself into your little armchair and rubbing your face on its soft material.  I can't wait until you learn more words.  I think you will be running and jumping soon.  We love you, Austin, our 1 1/2 year-old!!

Learning ABC's, pointing to TRUCK

Loving books right now...that is your favorite thing to do.

A is for Ah-bel (apple)

Chillin with my blue truck

Favorite page in Maisy book- all vehicles are "trucks" to Austin

Playing catch

Head plant in the chair

This could be very unsafe....

Oh, and I learned about my belly button this week - he can barely see it under his round belly :)


All boy!

Splash time

Transferring water from toy to cup, to toy to cup

Footie pj's are the best, Bear in hand

Still a thumb sucker - have a feeling this won't be going bye-bye anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. The white piece of furniture looks great! Can't wait to see Austin this weekend!
