
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

11 Months!

Austin turned 11 month on July 9th.  I am very late posting.  He has become an expert at pulling up on furniture.  He can pull up on the couch, toy basket, bath tub, and toilet (we tell him "yuck" and he thinks it's a game).  He has recently gotten 4 teeth on the top so he is now in business for chewing better.  He has not had to too much trouble with teething.  There have been a few days where he has been a bit fussy due to mouth pain.  He loves cheerios!  He also really likes avocado right now.  We tried giving him crumbled up hamburger meat and he was not too fond of that.  It might have been a texture thing.  We'll try again soon because his father would NOT want him to be a vegetarian.  He is a great eater and always clears his tray.  He is still having milk 5 times a day, a combination of nursing and breastmilk bottles.  We did start supplementing with formula a few weeks ago because my freezer supply ran out.  So during the week while at school he has 1 6 oz formula bottle and 2 6 oz breastmilk bottles.  Only a few more weeks until we introduce whole cow's milk!  The other news is that Austin has had 4 ear infections since May 1.  He has basically been on antibiotics since then to treat each of these infections.  So we have taken him to two ENT specialists and they both recommended tubes.  Next Wednesday, August 1, Austin will have surgery to get tubes in his ears.  The procedure lasts about 10 minutes but they do have to use anesthesia gas to put him under.  It makes us a little nervous but we know it is for the best because ear infections can cause speech and hearing problems (plus he is in pain) down the road if not corrected. 

Austin is a super-fast crawler.  He can crawl from the fireplace in the living room to the bathroom in no time.  He loves playing with a toy wooden train that MiMi gave him.  He enjoys putting toys inside other toys.  For example, he puts plastic toys in a bucket, puts the train pieces (wooden block with holes) through the pegs that are on the train cars.  He likes to take a small plastic toy and throw it across the wooden floor, crawl to get it, and throw it the other direction.  He plays well by himself while I am washing a dish or two. He will sit on the kitchen floor with his toy basket and focus on the train.  He has figured out how to intentionally drop food on the floor for Savannah.  She likes this!  I like that I never have to clean the floor.  He is now saying Mama over and over and over.  I am not sure that he knows that Mama is me yet, but he can definitely say it.  He can recognize words like "ball", "Savannah", "milk" and "no".  The problem is that he thinks "No" is a game and laughs hysterically when we say it.  We might have a trouble-maker.  He is still sleeping great - about 7:30/8 pm - 6/6:30 am with 2 naps a day.  He moves around so much in his crib and sometimes wakes up, sits up in Indian-style, leans forward, and falls back asleep like that.  His thumb is still his absolute favorite.  We are going to have a hard time breaking that habit, I am sure.  It is super-cute, but could be a problem as he gets older.  

Austin, I can't believe you are 11 1/2 months as I write this.  We are so thankful for you, little guy.  Stop growing up, big boy!

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