
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Let it snow!

DiDi got here on Thursday before the big snow storm.  David and my office's were both closed - a first since we have lived in Denver!  So we all stayed inside on Friday and watched the snow pile up.  I worked almost the whole day (with a few breaks to feed Austin) from home while David and my mom tended to Austin.  I think we ended up getting about 18 inches in about 36 hours (thursday night-saturday morning).  We went to a nearby restaurant for dinner on Friday night as our one outing of the day.  On Saturday, mom and I went to the gym while David kept Austin.  We also went to Ikea with Austin to look for rugs.  We are trying to make the living room more conducive for a baby to play.  We found a comfy red rug!  It softens up the room and is perfect for Austin to play on (with a towel for now -while he is in the spit-up stage).  We moved the coffee table away and are just using a leather ottoman as a coffee table - in an effort to "baby proof".  No sharp corners!  Today, my mom and I drove up north to Cost Plus World Market to get a new leather chair for the living room (the one near our house didn't have it in stock).  We even moved the tv above the mantle.  We attempted to watch the super bowl, but Austin didn't like that idea.  He was quite fussy tonight.  I think he is either going through a upset tummy stage or he is teething because he has been fussier than usual.  He is sitting up much better - almost unassisted.  Here are a few pictures.  We are lucky because DiDi is staying until Wednesday!

 Big boy - sitting up!

Walls of snow

 Bundled up with mommy

 Savannah LOVES snow

 Yummy multi-grain cereal

It's so good!


  1. The snow pictures are my all-time favorite.

  2. Wow, that is a ton of snow! Look at that big boy eating cereal and sitting up!!
