
Tuesday, April 22, 2014


 We celebrated Easter on Saturday with DiDi and Grandad at Lakeside with an egg hunt and breakfast. Campbell and I even went!  Austin was again TERRIFIED of the Easter bunny and Chick that roamed around during the hunt and breakfast.  He would not even hunt for eggs because he just kept saying "easter bunny" in a very whiny voice.  He wanted someone to hold him most of the time and sat in DiDi's lap during brunch.  He had a donut and wanted another one.  I am convinced that the only thing that kept him from getting down and walking to the buffet for another donut was that the bunny was wondering around the room.  Poor guy!  He was finally happy when David took him to "drive" golf carts and watch the golfers.  He wouldn't leave!  Campbell slept most of the time except when I went in the locker room to feed him - not bad for his first egg hunt!

On Sunday morning we were up early and the Easter bunny had come to our house!  Austin was excited to see what he brought but was glad he didn't have to actually see the bunny.  Easter bunny brought Austin a scooter, new markers and coloring book, and diving rings for the pool.  He also hid eggs around the house with 1 starburst jelly bean in each egg.  Austin quickly discovered that there was candy in each egg and proceeded to open each egg as he found them and eat the jelly beans at 7am.  Oh well!  We went to church - Austin in his class and Campbell with us at the service - he slept through the whole thing, loud music and all.  It was a beautiful service celebrating the resurrection.  We came home for nap and Campbell, Savannah and I went on a walk (he slept again).  We headed to MiMi and Big Deal's house around 4pm for Easter dinner with them and the Barretts.  We had another egg hunt.  MiMi stuffs the eggs with some candy, and some MONEY.  She puts $20 bills in a few of the eggs!  Austin was much more into the egg hunt once he saw his big cousins Ben and Summer hunt for eggs.  He opened every egg as he went along- he found M&Ms, lollipops, fruit snacks, and money.  He proceeded to throw the money on the ground and ask to eat every edible treat.  Someday he will learn! :)  We ate dinner and dessert, took some family pictures, and the grandkids received numerous gifts from MiMi and Big Deal.  We are thankful.  

Stay away from me Mr Bunny

3 whole eggs!

Glued to DiDi

Campbell and Mommy smiling with the Easter Bunny

The Easter bunny brought new markers!

And a scooter!!!

And diving rings (excuse the no- pants look)

All the grandkids!


Family photo

Those are some toe-heads

What sweet treat is in here?

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I'm so upset I was too sick to come see Campbell when you guys were at Mary's :(
