
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

9 Months!

Austin turned 9 months on Wednesday, May 9.  He decided that for his 9 month birthday he was going to crawl.  He has figured it out!  He is also trying to pull up on furniture and on people.  I guess I need to focus on baby-proofing the house.  He is still having milk 5 times a day (either nursing or bottle with breastmilk) and solid food 3 times a day.  He really likes yogurt mixed with mashed bananas.  He is starting to figure out the puffs so I think we will be experimenting with more finger food in the near future.  He still only has 2 teeth on the bottom but at his 9 month appointment his doctor thought he would have a top tooth soon.  He weighed 18lbs 15 oz, which is 25th percentile.  He was 28 3/4 inches, which is 50th percentile, and his head was in the 75th percentile.  Dr Lisa said everything else checked out just fine.  Now we need to work on clapping, waving, saying Ma-Ma, peek-a-boo, etc.  Austin got pink eye and his first ear infection just before his 9-month well visit.  The ear infection didn't seem to bother him much because I think we caught it early and put him on antibiotics fast.  He is still taking 2 naps a day (of about 3 hours total) and sleeping about 11 hours at night.  He is still wearing size 3 diapers but we are about to move up to size 4.  He loves rides in the stroller, swinging, his thumb is still his favorite thing.  He says Da-Da but doesn't quite know what it means yet.  David claims it as the first word though.  Da-Da is the tickle monster and Austin loves that (for about 30 seconds and then it gets old).  He loves Ms Mira at his school - she is definitely his favorite teacher.  His eyes are still blue and he is still mostly bald.  The hair that he does have has some red in it, we think.  He might end up being a strawberry blond.  Time will tell.  Just yesterday (at 9 months and 1 week) he sat up in his crib for the first time.  I guess it is time to lower the mattress one more level.  Since we have a crawler on our hands, his photo shoot with the Savannah dog was a little bit difficult, or should I say, fitting?

Sitting still for a brief moment

Petting the doggy

Silly guy on the move

Blue-eyed crawler

Now mommy tried to distract me with more toys

But I moved again since I know how to crawl

Looking all grown up with a little smirk

On the move again

Going for the crib to try to pull up

Found the puppy again (and the real puppy watching from the door)

Next I will go to the basket of books

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