
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Campbell at 9 months

Campbell turned 9 months on January 7th.  We visited Dr Pielop for his 9 month check-up on the 7th although we had been to see Dr. Pielop many many times in Nov/December since Austin and Campbell basically traded off colds.  He weighed 15 lbs 14.2 oz (3rd percentile), was 28 1/4 inches (47th percentile), and his head was in the 37th percentile.  Little guy!  Dr. Pielop is not concerned but just thinks he is a small guy- that is just who he is.  He did not grow as much as he probably could have if he didn't have his first ear infection, croup, a cold, and a new tooth all at the same time right after Christmas.  He was in pretty bad shape for about a week - he didn't want to eat any solid food and barely would nurse or take a bottle.  Starting on January 1st 2015 - he has been eating and sleeping like a champ!!!  It's his new year's resolution!!!  Just in the past week, he has become a great chomper (using his FIVE teeth (3 top and 2 bottom).  He loves ripe pears, steamed soft apples, cooked sweet potatoes, peas, cooked carrots, black beans, corn, pinto beans, scrambled eggs are ok, cheese and cheese melted on wheat bread/toast, sun butter on toast, yogurt, rice cakes, cheerios are okay, and pasta with spaghetti sauce.  He is not a big fan of avocados but we will keep trying them.  He is still breastfed and nurses 4-6 times a day.  Occasionally he will have a bottle of breastmilk if we are on-the-go or if I am away.  Although he is little, he is feisty and quick.  He is ALL over the place.  He pulls up on everything is traveling down the couch.  He loves pulling up on the low window sills and looking out.  He goes for cords and outlets, of course.  He just discovered that the cable box is within reach too.   Yikes!  I say "no-no", and so the discipline begins.  He has already opened a cabinet in the kitchen all by himself.  I am in trouble!  Head bumps and biting his tongue are fairly common occurrences.  Ouch!  He is wearing mostly 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.  As for sleeping, he is taking 2 naps a day.  Sometimes the morning nap is short in the car if we are running errands or have an activity for Austin.  I do my best to let you have 2 naps in the bed though.  Since January 1st, he has been sleeping 11-12 hours a night and napping 2.5-3.5 hours.  He does fine going to sleep after a bottle from DiDi or MiMi if they are babysitting.  He is already attached to his lovey (elephant and bunny "angel dear" soft).  These are his comfort item.  He LOVES Austin and watches his every move.  He perks up to the sound of Austin's voice and smiles when he sees him.  He is learning to be a tough little brother as Austin is learning to be "gentle" and that we don't "wrestle" with baby Campbell.  It's a tough lesson....  I can tell that he is a climber!  When I put him in the pac n play in the playroom with toys for a few minutes, he is standing up with chin over the edge and feet creeping up the mesh sides.  Ah!  He loves swinging and his new "bike" that Santa brought.  Of course he still goes after any toy that Austin is playing with (sharing is a frequently used term in our house and will be for years to come).  He does great in the church nursery (recently no separation anxiety) and of course loves when DiDi or MiMi babysit.  I bet he will be walking soon as he already holds on with 1 hand and will reach to me with a huge smile.  Get ready....

Campbell, you are such a joy and I love being your mommy.  Daddy loves being your daddy too although it might not seem like he does much to care for your right now since Austin is his shadow right now (LITERALLY).  That's a story for another post about your big brother - he just loves his daddy right now and doesn't let daddy have much time with you. :)  We love you little guy!

Climber and loves to stand

Favorite spot at the window

And back to the chair

Big brother's golf club

Austin loves doing this!

And up he goes!

Strong little guy

Going for Austin's toys on the table

Real food!

Chair again! ha  (new shoes from MiMi for Christmas)

Bike riding

Not so sure about these eggs

What's with the tongue?

Outing to Bear Creek park where there was a donkey

Swinging brothers

happy boy

Happy happy big boy

Yes, standing in bed in sleep sack, reaching for mobile

In the tupperware cabinet

Talk about balance and strong legs

First visit to the Childrens' Museum with DiDi, Austin and mommy

Photo shoot

Take 2

He thought this was hilarious

So proud to be 9 months!

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