
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Campbell at 6 months

Campbell turned 6 months old on October 7th.  At his doctor's visit he was 14 lbs 11.5oz and  27.5 inches long, which is 7% and 86%, respectively.  His head circumference was 17in, or 47%. (side note - Austin was 16lbs 13.5 oz and 27.5 inches at 6 months- same height as C but 2 lbs heavier).  He is still a tall and thin little guy.  At 6 months he decided it was time to sit without support and crawl - basically at the same time.  For a week or so, he was doing the army crawl on his tummy.  As I write this on 10/22, he is now really working on the hands and knees crawl.  He is one determined little guy.  He started some fruits and veggies the day after his doctor's appointment.  He has now had sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, peas, pears, bananas, apples, mangos and prunes.  He needed the prunes for some tummy issues due to the introduction of these solids.  He is still nursing 5-6 times a day.  He will take a bottle much easier now and has one to supplement the bedtime feeding most days.  He is wearing size 6month and 9month clothes.  He LOVES Austin, who makes him smile all the time.  He loves watching Savannah and smiles when she comes near him.  It's so cute!  I am trying to teach him to say "dog". He has already figured out how to pass up the toys and go for the shoes, sunglasses, computers/ipad, electric cords....uh oh!!!   As far as sleep goes - hmmmm, he has big shoes to fill - Austin was an excellent sleeper and never woke up after 8 weeks.  Campbell, can you please follow this example?  For about the past 2 months he has been waking up most nights once.  It is usually about 9 hours after going to sleep - which isn't bad, I guess.  He only naps about 2 hours throughout the day so he needs 12 hours or so at night.  He just doesn't quite make it that long without waking.  But we are working on it and working on the "self-soothing".  I have even tried a pacifier but he won't take it.  We'll get there...  I think he might also be working on some top teeth.  Campbell - you are such a flirt - when I take you on errands, you smile at everyone in the store.  You like riding in the bjorn in HEB so you can see everyone and everything.  We love you baby boy!

Sitting proud with big brother

First time in the swing!

Trying some new food

Reaches for the spoon when he is hungry

Big boy!


Savannah dog

Not so sure about the carrots

Dont tell Austin - playing golf with his clubs while he is at school. - crawled to them and pulled them out all by himself - sneaky little guy

For comparison-----

Austin at 6 months - not quite sitting without support

Austin eating carrots- big smile and round face

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