
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Baby brother

Yes, that is right, baby #2 is a boy!  Austin will have a baby brother in April.  We are excited and know that the boys will be best friends and have so much fun playing together.  We were surprised because we thought the baby was a girl.  We had a girl name picked out but had not even thought of boy names.   We better get to thinking.  During the ultrasound, baby boy was facing towards my back and is breech. I was nervous that the baby was going to be shy and we would have to leave without finding out the sex.  Finally, after about 20 minutes of confirming that everything looked good with the anatomy, I turned onto my side and the ultrasound technician was able to capture a view of between the legs.  Yes, the baby is a boy.  We are thankful that everything is looking good and the baby seems healthy and on track.  He is about 12 ounces, which is the 66th percentile (not really sure if how accurate those measurements are).  So we will have two little crazy boys running around before we know it.  Mom will be outnumbered.  At least Savannah is a girl. :)  We shared the news with my mom, Lauren, and Ricki.  I also called Rachel in Denver to share. She is already an awesome mother of 2 little boys.  That night, we had MiMi, Big Deal, and the Barretts' (sans Ben and Davy since Ben was sick) to share the news with them.  I made some cupcakes with blue icing and we had blue balloons.  I can't wait to meet the little boy and watch Austin and him grow up together.  I pray that they are best buddies :)

Blue, Blue and more blue

Austin is not digging picture-posing these days

Boy #2 here we come...

Cousin Summer came over to celebrate and plays great with Austin

This guy takes cupcake-eating seriously

Seriously.....meltdown ensued after we denied him a 3rd cupcake

Silly boy in dad's jeans

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